Avianca-Taca LifeMiles Deals on Car Rentals | Budget Car Rental Canada

Member rewards

Members can earn 500 bonus miles for each qualifying Budget rental at participating airport locations worldwide. Simply present your LifeMiles number at time of reservation or rental. For more information or to enroll in the LifeMiles program, please visit


Plus, LifeMiles members can receive valuable discounts simply by providing your LifeMiles/Budget Customer Discount (BCD) number R450700.

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Terms and Conditions

  • Valid at participating Budget airport locations worldwide.
  • Members must present their LifeMiles membership number at time of rental.
  • Airline flight is not required to earn mileage credit.
  • Miles may not be earned on free, tour or certain travel industry rates and may only be earned in one frequent traveler program per rental.
  • Frequent flyer surcharge of $.75 per rental day apply.