Rent a Car at Rockville, MD - Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Maryland

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Rockville, MD - Parklawn Drive (WF1)


11711 Parklawn Dr - Ste A1,
Rockville, MD, Maryland, 20852, United States


(1) 240-221-2640

Hours of Operation:

Sun 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Holiday Hours:

EASTER   April  20  closed
MEMORIAL DAY   May  26  closed
INDEPENDENCE DY   July  4  closed
LABOR DAY   September  1  closed
THANKSGIVING   November  27  closed
THANKSGVNG HLDY   November  28  08:00AM - 01:00PM
CHRISTMAS EVE   December  24  08:00AM - 01:00PM
CHRITMAS DAY   December  25  closed

NEW YEARS DAY   January  1  closed
NEW YEARS EVE   December  31  08:00AM - 01:00PM


Location Information
Fastbreak Service
Proceed to Budget rental counter. Show your drivers license and identify yourself as a Fastbreak member. The Budget rental agent will provide you with your preprinted contract and keys.
General Directions
TRAVELLING SOUTH on I-495: Take Exit 34 (Rockville Pike). Head north on Rockville Pike. Go past the mall to Randolph Rd. Take a right on Randolph Rd and follow to Parklawn Drive. Take a right on Parklawn Drive. Office is located near: Cort Furniture Rental, Mom's Organic Market & Hamilton Sofa/Leather Gallery. TRAVELLING NORTH on I-495: Take Exit 1 (Democracy Blvd). At light, take a right and proceed to Georgetown Road. Take left on Georgetown Road and follow to Tuckerman Lane. Take right onto Tuckerman Lane and follow to Rockville Pike. Take left onto Rockville Pike; go past the mall to Randolph Rd. Take a right on Randolph Rd and follow to Parklawn Drive. Take a right on Parklawn Drive. Office is located near: Cort Furniture Rental, Mom's Organic Market & Hamilton Sofa/Leather Gallery. VEHICLES: On-site. RETURNS: Same as pick-up. AFTER-HOURS RETURNS: Not available. Rental vehicle must be returned during office hours.

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions